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26/02/20 Tax Investigations – are you covered?

HMRC raises £16 for every £1 it spends on staff carrying out investigations into the tax affairs of individuals and small businesses, according to law firm Pinsent Masons. Figures show that HMRC collected £4.9bn in extra tax from investigations into individuals and small businesses in 2018-2019 but only had to spend £309m on staff to…Read More

How to Improve Cash Flow for your Business

In any business, cash flow is king. Yet in many businesses, cash flow is the area that many businesses struggle with. Even if a customer has had goods or services from you, they are reluctant to part with their money and therefore it can take them some time to pay their invoices. Huge companies may…Read More

HMRC – Tax Treatment of Commercial Vehicles

When is a Van not a Van? HMRC are being urged to provide clarity and consistency on the tax treatment of commercial vehicles such as VW Kombi Vans marketed as goods vehicles. The need for clarity follows the ruling in an important tax tribunal case involving “vans” provided to employees of Coca Cola. The court…Read More

Treat Yourself or your Employees – Tax Free!

Did you know you can treat yourself and your employees tax free? ❓ Are you a Director of a close company? ❓Do you like to reward your employees to celebrate birthdays or other special occasions? Did you know you could do this tax free without you or your employees having to pay income tax or national…Read More

A new face for CCL

Over the last few months, we’ve been working on refreshing our image, to make it clearer and more modern. We hope you like the result. You’ll be seeing our new image whenever you hear from us, and we hope that it becomes as familiar to you as the old logo: Closely linked to the development…Read More

The four biggest bookkeeping mistakes everyone has made

For many, keeping company books and records up to date is a real chore, but it doesn’t have to be! As accountants, we see hundreds of business accounts every year, each one with different approaches to bookkeeping. Below, we’ve outlined the four most common mistakes we see from day to day. The occasional slip-up is…Read More

‘Hello! We’ve re-connected’

Our clients are important, and we’re always looking for new and relevant ways to engage with them. Today, we’ve launched our refreshed website, with the aim of it acting as a hub for our clients to engage with all of our services. You may also have noticed, we have rebranded the firm after fifteen years…Read More

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