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Tax Investigation Fee Protection

Time Consuming and Expensive HMRC TAX Investigations are on the increase.  We can protect you when HMRC strike.

With unprecedented levels of deficit, the Government has given HMRC ambitious targets to fill the public finance black hole.  The Government has allocated a substantial amount of resources and powers to HMRC to yield increased tax revenue.  This is done by carrying out compliance checks on UK businesses.

The Impact on You for HMRC Investigations

HMRC Investigations are time consuming, stressful and costly. Investigations can last for many months.  Some investigations will involve a detailed examination of a specific item on a tax return, others may entail a full review of all individuals or business affairs.

As well as inspecting business documents and assets at your premises, HMRC can ask for documents and information, turn up unannounced for inspections and go back 6 years when looking at your records.

During this time you will incur additional accountancy fees as well as having to deal with inevitable disruption and uncertainty.  These fees will be due regardless of the outcome and dealing with HMRC on your own often makes matters worse.


Why Should You Worry about a HMRC Tax Enquiry?

Anyone who submits a tax return can be investigated.  Each year, HMRC make enquiries into thousands of personal and business tax returns and accounts.  VAT and PAYE are also under put under scrutiny. HMRC’s aim is to collect more tax and they work very hard to do that. 


How can You Protect Yourself from the stress of a HMRC Tax Investigation?

The best defence is to subscribe to our Tax Fee Protection Scheme.  This service will safeguard you from the cost of the accountancy fees associated with a tax investigation.  Like any other insurance fee that you take to meet an unexpected cost, everyone hopes that they won’t need it but when an expensive enquiry starts, you will be glad that you have paid a small annual charge for an investigation which could have cost you thousands of pounds.


Let CCL protect you from the stress and cost of an investigation that can be considerable.  Subscribe to our tax investigation service today to protect yourself.  Call us on 01908 583800. 


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